There is a lot of talk about Sabatier reaction and how to produce fuel on Mars ( and not only there ).
The whole idea of sabatier reaction is to produce methane from Co2 and hydrogen.
It all starts with watter ( H2O ) and CO2 . First split watter in H2 and O via electrolysis . Second is to combine H2 and Co2 to obtain CH4 and H2O. The reaction is :
2H2O -> O2 +2H2 . then Co2 + 2h2 + 2h2 -> 2H2O + Ch4
I was looking at :
And started to gather more information:
They seems to use
- aalborg GFC-17 for gas regulation
- heating tape ( Looks like something like this: )
- to control the reactor they seems to use ESP32 micro controllers wifi for communication protocol.
Interesting enough is they use long range radio protocol . But it doen’t state if is LORA , sigfox or LTE-m
I wonder if this kind of reactor can be build in DIY manner. So far i found no open hardware schematics for it. But it would be interesting to see what the future will bring