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Se da pamint (gratuit) in Alaska.

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Anderson, a little town in Alaska’s interior, has no gas station, no grocery store and no traffic lights, but it does have plenty of woodsy land — and it’s free to anyone willing to put down roots in the often-frozen ground.
In a modern twist on the homesteading movement that populated the Plains in the 1800s, the community of 300 people is off.


Oferta suna extrem de tentant. Oare net au ?

Iar pentru cei tentati de idee iata cum se construieste o casuta din lemn. Agreementul cu primaria din Anderson, Alaska se gaseste aici .

Well … Se pare ca Wpvideo nu vrea sa embedeze fisiere de pe site asa ca o sa dau linkul direct ( eventual editez mai tirziu sa corectez ): Alone in the Wilderness
