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Creating a full screen H264 flash player with adobe CS3 / flash 9 / Actionscript 3

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Presupun ca intereseaza pe multa lume cum se creeaza un player H264 in flash utilizind streaming dintr-un FMS 3 (Flash Media Server) .
Evident ca sint multe modalitati de a face asta. Se poate utiliza componenta care vine cu CS3 FLVPlayback . Merge foarte bine , are suficiente skinuri iar daca nu va place nici unul din skinurile cu care vine se creea un skin custom in care sa va desenati player-ul dupa cum doriti.
Pe mine nu m-a interesat componenta gata facuta si am incercat sa reinventez roata. E un bun exercitiu avind in vedere proiectele care urmeaza.

Ce am reusit sa “produc”? Codul de mai jos. Ce face? Se conecteaza la un FMS, si cinta un mp4 predefinit. Evident e doar un skelet minimal peste care se pot adauga facilitati. Ce mi se pare cel mai frumos este ca rezultatul compilarii este un flash mic mic mic. Doar 8K . Playerul care foloseste FLVPlayback are 50k + cit mai are skinul.
Prea multa vorba strica. Sa lasam codul sa cinte singur:Read More »Creating a full screen H264 flash player with adobe CS3 / flash 9 / Actionscript 3

How to make your Iriver T10 to work in Linux ( DRM free )

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t10_1.jpgIf you have an old Iriver T10 mp3 player you know by now how hard is to use it in Linux . Some use gphoto2 to transfer files to it. This is because the original firmware uses the MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) . Of course MTP brings the DRM limitations and in day to day operations this simply SUCKS. On the other hand the UMS (USB Mass Storage) works like a charm without the DRM crap. And guess what? UMS works perfectly with linux. So let change the Iriver T10 from MTP to UMS.

However things are not as simple as they appear. The Iriver Corporation provides on their site an firmware update that supposed to convert from MPT to UMS. But guess what .. This firmwre updater does not work in US or Europe. Now think for a bit . What the hell is wrong with them ? Why in the world doesn’t they provide the firmware to the whole world ? Well … Enough politics and let’s do the job. in simple steps:Read More »How to make your Iriver T10 to work in Linux ( DRM free )

A aparut KDE 4

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Azi a aparut KDE 4 final . Data initiala de lansare era mijlocul lunii decembrie dar release-ul a fost aminat succesiv. In fine a aparut.… Read More »A aparut KDE 4