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“Sa moara Microsoft”

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Domnul Zoltan Herczeg care se intituleaza "Developer Community Lead Microsoft Romania" a scris zilele trecute un articol isteric intitulat sugestiv: "Sa moara Microsoft". Domnul Zoltan isi permita sa faca afirmatii false despre un eveniment la care nu a luat parte, afirmatii care raspindesc FUD (Fear, uncertainty and doubt ). Ar fi frumos ca domnul Zoltan sa-si ceara scuze pentru generalizarile pe care le-a facut.Read More »“Sa moara Microsoft”

Protv, tibet and traffic

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vinatoare de oameni“A video footage by a Romanian cameraman showing Chinese troops firing on fleeing unarmed Tibetans near the Nepal-Tibet border belies China’s claim that the soldiers fired in “self defense”. Sergiu Matei, a Romanian cameraman who was on his first climbing trip to Cho Oyu, the world’s sixth highest mountain located on the Nepal-Tibet border, witnessed Chinese troops firing on unarmed Tibetans trying to escape into Nepal from China-controlled territory Sep 30, resulting in the death of a young nun and triggering international furore. Matei, who returned to Bucharest Thursday, posted the video footage on the website, clearly showing that the fleeing Tibetans had their backs to the soldiers, were unarmed, and offered no resistance. The nun who died, Kelsang Namtso, appears to have been shot in the back.”

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TFM3 Workstation Sneak Preview

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synapt.jpgDe multă vreme circulă diverse variante de workstation de TFM. Nu am făcut nici un release oficial pînă acuma deoarece nu am considerat că sîntem gata cu o versiune pentru marele public. Versiunile de workstation le-am folosit mai ales în cadrul grupului (pentru development mai uşor) sau au fost făcute custom pentru prieteni sau clienţi. Versiunea de workstation actuală se instalează peste TFM3 server. Se poate spune că este o interfaţă grafică peste un server. Read More »TFM3 Workstation Sneak Preview